
Showing posts from October, 2019

Assignment #2: Digital Access

Nigeria   I chose Nigeria for this paper for three reasons. For one thing, we used to have a friend from there named Arthur Onuora. He was in the Political Science program at Stony Brook with my husband back in the 80's and was very nice.  The second reason is that one of the volunteers for my website , Ebele Orakpo , lived in Nigeria. I thought it was so cool that she would be interested in writing about U.S. TV all the way from Africa.  She proofread for us, so her English was very good. Lastly, there is a new TV show on CBS that I like called " Bob Hearts Abishola ," where an American sock salesman falls in love with a Nigerian nurse. They also show her aunt, uncle, and son, as well as some workers at the sock factory, and at the hospital, that are also Nigerian. They sometimes speak Nigerian on the show (with subtitles).  All of this combined to make me interested in Nigeria and how they access media. According to Wikipedia , "Nigeria is the mo...